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 The Girl
your little profile x3
Name: Tan Jia Xuan Jerzelle
Name in Chinese Character:陈佳萱
Date of Birth: 4 October 2007
Zodiac: Libra
Born in the Year: Pig
Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday Shopping
Late morning, grandpa drove us (Mummy, Grandma, 胰婆, 妹妹 and I) to meet 二胰婆 and Shan 表胰) at OG, Bugis Street. Here, I bought 2 pair of shoes from Mummy and Grandma, 二胰婆 bought a dress for me and 妹妹. I also have water bottle and piggy bank from Mummy. Then we stopped to have some brunch and had some rest. We continued our shopping spree again. This time at Bugis Junction, Mummy and Shan 表胰 bought shoes from themselves. We also went BHG to shop. Finally we telephoned Grandpa to ask him to fetch us after we were done. 

Sunday, December 5, 2010
Sunday Shopping
Late morning, grandpa drove us (Mummy, Grandma, 胰婆, 妹妹 and I) to meet 二胰婆 and Shan 表胰) at OG, Bugis Street. Here, I bought 2 pair of shoes from Mummy and Grandma, 二胰婆 bought a dress for me and 妹妹. I also have water bottle and piggy bank from Mummy. Then we stopped to have some brunch and had some rest. We continued our shopping spree again. This time at Bugis Junction, Mummy and Shan 表胰 bought shoes from themselves. We also went BHG to shop. Finally we telephoned Grandpa to ask him to fetch us after we were done. 

 It's all about you
Hi! I am Princess Jerzelle. Product of King Eugene and Queen Geraldine. My favourite are ice-cream, chocolates, french fries, fishballs & ice- milo :D!!

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