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 The Girl
your little profile x3
Name: Tan Jia Xuan Jerzelle
Name in Chinese Character:陈佳萱
Date of Birth: 4 October 2007
Zodiac: Libra
Born in the Year: Pig
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Singapore Expo
   O my gosh!It was only 11am and the traffic at Singapore Expo was already heavy. The usher asked Daddy to park his car somewhere at the Industrial area. It was too far so Daddy dropped us first and he will carry 妹妹 to go find us cos she was sleeping. Our first stop was at Parenthood Fair, Mummy bought biscuits, laundry detergent from Pigeon and Heinz baby food. Daddy also let me sit on the ride. Then we went to Sistex. It was packed like sardines! We squeezed through the crowd. Mummy wanted to get a netbook. We checked out at Sony, HP, Fujitsu, Lenovo, etc. In the end, Mummy still fancied at what she first saw - Notebook from Sony (Love at first sight)instead of netbook. Daddy bought for Mummy as a belated birthday present. Then we headed home to rest. In the evening, I helped Mummy to set up the Christmas tree while Daddy looked after 妹妹. 

Saturday, November 27, 2010
Singapore Expo
   O my gosh!It was only 11am and the traffic at Singapore Expo was already heavy. The usher asked Daddy to park his car somewhere at the Industrial area. It was too far so Daddy dropped us first and he will carry 妹妹 to go find us cos she was sleeping. Our first stop was at Parenthood Fair, Mummy bought biscuits, laundry detergent from Pigeon and Heinz baby food. Daddy also let me sit on the ride. Then we went to Sistex. It was packed like sardines! We squeezed through the crowd. Mummy wanted to get a netbook. We checked out at Sony, HP, Fujitsu, Lenovo, etc. In the end, Mummy still fancied at what she first saw - Notebook from Sony (Love at first sight)instead of netbook. Daddy bought for Mummy as a belated birthday present. Then we headed home to rest. In the evening, I helped Mummy to set up the Christmas tree while Daddy looked after 妹妹. 

 It's all about you
Hi! I am Princess Jerzelle. Product of King Eugene and Queen Geraldine. My favourite are ice-cream, chocolates, french fries, fishballs & ice- milo :D!!

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