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 The Girl
your little profile x3
Name: Tan Jia Xuan Jerzelle
Name in Chinese Character:陈佳萱
Date of Birth: 4 October 2007
Zodiac: Libra
Born in the Year: Pig
Thursday, January 22, 2009
An unusual weekday - Wednesday
Yesterday Daddy and Mummy took me home to Tivela though it was quite late, about 10pm despite they still need to work the next day. They brought back all the frozen food for steamboat that Yi Po helped to buy for us. I fell asleep in the car on the way home. Mummy put me on the bed when we reached and I slept through the next morning. I got up at 7am. Daddy and Mummy already preparing for work. Then we left for Jurong East. After dropping me off with Yi Po, they rushed for work... (No picture is taken)

Thursday, January 22, 2009
An unusual weekday - Wednesday
Yesterday Daddy and Mummy took me home to Tivela though it was quite late, about 10pm despite they still need to work the next day. They brought back all the frozen food for steamboat that Yi Po helped to buy for us. I fell asleep in the car on the way home. Mummy put me on the bed when we reached and I slept through the next morning. I got up at 7am. Daddy and Mummy already preparing for work. Then we left for Jurong East. After dropping me off with Yi Po, they rushed for work... (No picture is taken)

 It's all about you
Hi! I am Princess Jerzelle. Product of King Eugene and Queen Geraldine. My favourite are ice-cream, chocolates, french fries, fishballs & ice- milo :D!!

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Hi everyone, please kindly bear with the person who update my blog. I will try to urge him to update more of my recent progress. OKieee!!
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